when chris and i first moved here, i wanted to do a post about the places we've lived. old and new. but of course, i forgot. so here are some random pictures of what our house looked like. staring from the outside moving in.
the view of our street.
this is the view looking right outside our front door. the tall house to the left is where elder and sister dumar lived. they actually are from bellflower california. (where chris was born). elder dumar worked with chris' uncle. how crazy is that?
my cute bike and our front window.
our beautiful front door. :)
to the left outside our house
the first thing you see walking in.. where we sleep.
our awesome futon where chris spent most nights.. because we couldnt fit on the bed.
these pictures of the house are all gross and dirty because they were taken before we moved in. :)
our lovely kitchen. i actually really did love it.
then we got into tva and moved out into...
our new front door.. looks like a prison huh?
my kitchen
my partly decorated wall.. not finished, dont worry. :)
the bathroom (the curtain is gold)
my very organized closet haha
jewelry holder.. made by yours truly
bed (walls are not decorated yet)
the view from our back window.. not much of one.
and thats about it. i love our new home. roach free, newly carpeted, a shower chris can stand in. thats all we ask for. am finally happy to be out here. things are going well. good friends, lots of sun and best of all i have my best friend with me all the time. life is good.
I was there! I know what your old house looks like!
ReplyDeleteDo you feel like you are in a prison:( Darnit! Can't you get a good house in paradise!
I am so sad that you didn';t get a picture of Chris in the shower:) Hahaha!
Your wall looks so cute with all your decor and I wanna make a jewlery holder like you! Care to do a tutorial??
Hope you are doing well!
Love, Amy