Monday, December 30, 2013

16/30 Accomplishments

16/30 What are five of your greatest accomplishments?

1. Marrying a return missionary in the temple.

2. Although it took me almost a year to admit this.. Owen. He is right now, my biggest accomplishment. He is healthy and happy and I'd like to think I had/have a huge part in that.

3. Forgiving those who have hurt me. (Post to come) 

4. My relationships- Like I have said many times, my relationships mean the world, and to me they are immense accomplishments. 

5. Leading a good life- This will always be a work in progress but I consider it an accomplishment.  

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas in Cali

After shoveling snow in the freezing weather we decided to head to California to visit Chris' side of the family for Christmas. (Yes, I am writing this as we are here but I just don't want to forget anything and if I don't write it down day by day I will).

Long story short Owen doesn't do planes well. Actually he doesn't do traveling well.

 After O punched a little girl in the face (he's going to be one of those kids) while waiting for our delayed airplane at the airport we finally boarded.(only about an hour later). Until they had to shut down the runway to "de-ice" all of the planes. So we sat there with a tired, whiny toddler for another hour on the plane. About halfway through the flight, Owen was done. Kicking, screaming, crying, you name it and he did it.

We were that family.
This was before we took off. 

Luckily we sat next to a guy who told us he has three boys so he know's how we feel. And every chance he could, he tried to help in some way or another. He was so sweet!

Finally ( I say it like it was a six hour flight, it sure felt like one) on our descend my ear wouldn't pop. It hurt so bad. I had never had that happen to me before. And then Owen grabbed his ears and started wailing. Screaming like he was in serious pain. By that time we were so past the mean/judgy looks from everyone around. I felt so bad for him.

Then the tires hit the ground and Owen fell asleep. Just our luck. Chris and I were exhausted! Apparently so was Owen, but this kid doesn't go down without a fight.

We got home and went to bed. The next morning I woke up with the flu. 102 temperature, the chills and all. So I spent all day long on the couch watching old Christmas movies while Chris mowed the lawn with Owen.

Then we went to check out Downtown Disney. Oh I love it.

Carillo in-law family (Sean, Shannon, Aarilynn, Lexi and Issac)

 The Lego store- man these people are talented!!

Yes, that dragon is made out of legos.

This is the main reason we went.. the beignets. The environment and music makes me feel like I'm in the middle of Princess and the Frog. My absolute favorite!

 A little creepy..

 Papa, Grammy and Owen

So far this is our trip.. we are only three days in to a thirteen day vacation and it's been great! Pictures of Owen's mouth full of sand are still to come.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Festival of LIghts

I had to get this post in before Christmas considering it happened on Thanksgiving night.. we went to see the little Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork. All ten of us hopped in Jeff's tiny truck and braved the freezing winds to see the lights. So fun! 

Susan and O

 My moms long time friend Kim and her daughters Miranda and McKayla joined us. 

Me, Susans' friend Kelly, Bec and McKayla

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

14/30 Strengths

14/30 What are four of your strengths?

This has been a lot harder than I thought it would be.. I have had this blog post open and ready to write for weeks now. I am pretty good at pointing out my flaws.. and I'm so bad at this I looked up a couple lists of strengths to help get the juices flowin'. 


Obviously everyone can talk. Some people are more shy and that's not really my cup o' tea. I can talk to anyone, stranger or friend, about just about anything, good and bad. It's kind of a gift I think; and I like to. I have been known to be confrontational. Which I take as a compliment. I don't think talking to someone face to face about an issue or problem is a bad thing. I don't think it needs to end badly either. Another thing that I thin helps is I call it like I see it. I'e always been this way. I don't understand people that hide their true feelings or avoid confronting someone or even experiences they've had. Sometimes I think that's why I can talk to people and they listen, because I'm honest.

2- Passionate

I tend to get very intense, eager and emotionally involved in things.. anything/everything. It's just my personality. Pretty self-explanatory.

3- Learner

I have developed a great desire to learn. I think this is a great strength. Knowledge is power right? :) I am interested in so many things; history, humanitarian projects, motherhood, children development, home improvement, seriously anything. I am so willing to learn. (Where was this in high school?)

4- A woo (er)

What? I know. Like I said, I looked up a couple different lists of strengths and came across this one. When I read the description, I thought it so described me. haha "Love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person." Basically sums me up.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Last week my mom took us (Susan, her bf Grace, me and O) to the Festival of Tree's in Salt Lake. And my forgetful mind forgot to bring the camera. Luckily my mom brought her phone and took a couple pictures. Funny enough, we didn't get any of a tree, we were sidetracked with the gingerbread houses. They were incredible and I may have added that to my bucket list..

Not the best pictures but I'm glad we got some!

My favorite!!! 

I would recommend going to see this next year! It was $5 to get in and the best part is that all of the money goes to Primary Childrens'! Awesome!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Temple Squared

Chris' parents and grandmother drove up from California for Thanksgiving. They stayed with Chris' aunt and uncle that live in Lehi. Lucky we are so close and were able to visit a lot! One night, we went to see the lights at Temple Square. We forgot it was the opening night, which means all of the United States was there. It was SO busy. We won't be doing that again. It was still as beautiful as ever so it was worth it. And we have to go before we leave town for Christmas.. we are going to California! I haven't mentioned that before right?

Owen getting ready for the cold

Chris, O, Jill, Scott and I

A little blurry but it's still gorgeous!

Owen's happy place

 Some of my favorite girls! Wendy, Tiff, me and Jill

Another" blurry but goodie" haha The Migdat's 
Tiff and Wendy, Mike and Kim (missing Tyler and Matt)

Nice angle right? ha 

In front of City Creek fountains

 So the title is squared because we have gone twice so far and it's only the 5th. The second time we went with my family but didn't get any pictures of all of us together.. meaning we will have to go again. :) You can't get enough of the temple lights.

Owen trying to stay warm with Chris' beanie

24 weeks (December 2017)

It's been awhile. Like over a year since I last posted something here. I figured it was about time to update everyone. I announced tha...