Monday, July 23, 2012

Owen Charles

Where to start.. so you know, I just gave birth so my words are hard to put together right now.. 
I had an appointment on the 17th and Dr. Anderson stripped my membranes. I had a lot of cramping afterward but I heard that was normal so I went about my daily business. The next morning I started getting what I thought were painful contractions so I started timing and they were around five to seven minutes apart.  Chris left for work and I told to come to the hospital when he was done because I knew that this was it. After timing the contractions for a few hours we checked into the hospital. They checked to see if I was dilated at all and I was a four. They watched me for an hour and checked again and nothing. I was still having contractions but they just weren't big enough. The nurse told me to come back when they were a lot worse. We left for home and around seven that night the contractions were almost to the point of unbearable. I actually laughed at myself for thinking the ones earlier were painful. I decided it really was time to go but before that I had Chris and my dad give me a blessing. The car ride to the hospital was probably the worst of it all. When we got there, they put me in a wheelchair and in we went. 
The nurse checked to see how dilated I was and sure enough, these contractions were doing something, a six. She asked if I wanted the epidural right in the middle of a contraction and I think I yelled "YES"! The anesthesiologist gave me the epidural (which was not painful at all) and things went up from there. I really couldn't tell when I was having a contraction, it was magic. All of the sudden I was happy and ready to go. 
An hour later, the nurse checked me again and I had jumped to an eight. Then it took a couple hours for me to get to a ten. The epidural was great because I felt enough of my legs to move them and I could feel when it was time to push, but enough of me was numb that I wasn't screaming in pain. It was the perfect happy medium. 
 I honestly can't remember exactly what time things happened but I know I pushed for a good hour and a half and then at 3:20, my little boy came to join the family. It was the most surreal feeling. I had Chris on one side and my mom on the other. As soon as he was out, doctor Anderson laid him across my chest. It was the most scary but amazing feeling, knowing that I made this little person and that he is mine. That he just left the presence of our Heavenly Father and that Chris and I get to raise him. It's the most overwhelming feeling. 
The next day in the hospital was harder than I thought. Other than people coming in to poke me, I couldn't believe how sore and hurt I was. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it sure wasn't that. Like I just got hit by a truck and then a train. 
Coming home was good. It's been incredible to have my mom and family here who more than willing to help me out. I know that there is no way I could do this without them. Chris has been amazing too. He is turning into one great dad. I love watching him coo over his new buddy. I was just telling Chris that Heavenly Father know's exactly what he's doing.. they are so addicting yet so tiring. 
So he now five days old and doing so well. He sleeps all of time and is getting better and better at night. I think he is taking it easy on us because he see's how much we struggle. 
I only have a couple pictures of after the birth but my mom blogged more of them so if you want to see, check it out here. 
Chris has been taking pictures like crazy..
This baby loves having his hands up. 

This was our two in the morning close up. 
(His hands are really not that huge.. just a weird angle)

Trying hard to focus.

My sweet boys

We love our baby Owen and I could not have asked for a better birth experience. I'm so proud to be his mom and I know it will just get better from here on out. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New news!

We have some new happenings going on in the Hendrickson family. 
First, we are still pregnant and anxiously awaiting the arrival of  our sweet baby boy Owen! I know it's not very new but the appointments every week are making me feel like it is.We are so close, it's not even funny. I'm about done with this whole thing. Contractions are getting more real and very uncomfortable which is just great, really, I love that things are changing. He also said that baby has moved way down into the birth canal and is ready to come whenever my body is. Here's hoping my body is ready tonight. :)

UPDATE: Just had a doc appointment and things are looking swell! I'm three centimeters dilated and 90% effaced!!! I had no clue what that meant so when he explained that I need to be 100% to have the baby, you can imagine the look on my face! He stripped my membranes, which was not at all as painful or horrific as I've heard, and then told me all the signs of labor I should be looking for. Since then I've had a few contractions and I'm looking forward to the next ones! I want to see this baby!!

Me at the doctor's today.. Getting ready to have my membranes stripped.

These are car seats covers I have been given. So stinking cute!!
The polka dots are on the back.

I love all of the little animals

Second bit of news, Chris has made up his mind about what profession he will be pursuing. Which we are both just ecstatic about! For a while we were thinking we were going to do medical school, but I felt like every time we talked about it, it was more stressful than anything and Chris never seemed too in love with it. But this summer Chris took an EMT class and had to get some hours in at a fire station. He came back smiling and couldn't stop talking about it. He looked into it a little more and decided that's what he wanted to do. So, he is going to get his paramedic and then go to the fire academy somewhere down here. We have heard there is a great paramedic program at UVU, so we will apply there first. This also means that we will be graduated and out of Rexburg by next April!! Woohoo!! I love this idea more and more. He is thrilled and I am too! We both feel so much better about it than we did about med school and we are really loving the fact that's it's a fourth of the debt and it also means more family time. That's the plan for now!

Third, I have been slowly trying to collect things for my little apartment in Rexburg. I have found some pretty sweet deals and I am so excited to decorate! Here's what I found and also a couple new projects I've started and my mom will probably end up finishing. Sorry mom. :)

I found these beauties at TJ-Maxx.. Chris just laughed and asked "But why a peacock"?

My mom and I went to the D.I. and found this sweet entertainment center.. I know it's not the prettiest thing around but trust me it will be!  I'm going to take the glass door off and fill the shelves with wicker baskets.

And also paint it a blue, something along these lines..
I also found a beautiful gold mirror for only $20. (The mirror below isn't the exact one, but it's close)

I'm so excited my little house is all coming together. :)

Oh, I found out that I am the third highest ranked person in the ward for indexing. I know, kinda lame but I love it! It's really addicting and it's not like there is much more I can do.

Anyway, I think that's all for now and hopefully my next post will have pictures of my baby boy! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Boy Oh Boy!

We had a doctor appointment today and we were able to hear the heartbeat of our sweet baby Owen. I think I am falling in love with this kid.. I love hearing his heartbeat. The doctor checked to see if I had dilated at all and I am at a 1.5! He said that everything is going well and he should be here within the next several weeks. How scary/fun?! 
The closer and closer it gets, the more we are excited! I cannot wait to meet this little man. 
Oh and a couple friends of mine in the ward are going to throw me baby shower up here! I am just being spoiled rotten and I'm loving it! 
Here's me at 36 weeks and wanting to have this baby as soon as I can.

24 weeks (December 2017)

It's been awhile. Like over a year since I last posted something here. I figured it was about time to update everyone. I announced tha...