Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Susan's Graduation/Memorial Day 2012

My baby sister graduated last week and man is that weird. She said it's more weird that I'm pregnant. haha I can't believe how fast life goes. Anyway, her graduation was a lot different than mine. I think I had maybe 100 kids graduate in my class and she had almost 500. Good ole Utah. The actual graduation went great! Everyone's speech was short and sweet, just the way it should be. Then we took some pictures and went to the Outback for dinner. So proud of my Susan!

Yesterday marked week 31 for this pregnancy. And every week that passes makes me more and more excited to see this little man! I really can't complain too much because I've had it easy but I am wanting to be done. I've always heard that there comes a point when you just are done and I think I'm just about there. 

This Memorial Day was great! 
We had some friends come up and visit for the day and of course we ate a lot of food. It started with a good game of kickball. I even hit a couple home runs.. thanks to Cooper (my runner). 

Then we headed up Payson Canyon to the Grotto, a small hike with a waterfall at the end. It was just the perfect hike for me..very short. :) I'm not much of a hiker, Chris tried when we lived in Hawaii and it just isn't my thing.

 We went back home and started up the bbq. It was a wonderful day and I'm grateful I was able to spend it with my family and friends. I'm grateful for the women and men who have fought for our country and the freedoms we have today. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

He's getting bigger! 30 weeks

I know it's probably hard to tell but he is getting bigger! I just barely started getting actual stretch marks.. fun fun. Good thing we have stretch mark cream and coca butter. 
He is constantly moving around and has found where all of my nerves are. It's been fun watching him move and it's been even more fun watching Chris' face when he moves. Chris looks at me like I'm some sort of alien sometimes, and to be honest I don't blame him one bit. I swear this kid does jumping jacks and karate. 
Thirty weeks down and ten more to go! Crazy!! I will be holding my big baby boy n about ten weeks, that's it. 
I feel so ready and so unprepared all at the same time. We have the major things but I think there are some small things I am forgetting. That's what baby showers are for right?! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happenings lately

Lately things have been good!
 On Sunday I started getting pretty ugly pains in my right side but honestly didn't think anything of it. I have heard and experienced, that the farther along you get, the more uncomfortable you get, so I took some tylenol. After a couple days of this non-stop pain I decided it was time to call the doc. He asked if it was on my right side and when I said yes, he said I want you to get an ultrasound. They called me back after scheduling an ultrasound for the next morning at 9:30.. I love my doctor! How often do you get to actually talk to your doctor and then get in the next morning? Not often. 

We went Wednesday morning and found I have a few gallstones and a very inflamed kidney. We also got to see our little boy, which made the problems seem not as bad. I loved seeing his tiny body moving around. My doctor said the best thing to do for the kidney was to take the baby, but that would be our very last option. He said for now I just have to deal with it and if it get's worse then we will talk about other options. He said we will watch the gallstones but the kidney takes priority over the stones. So it's down to me, a bottle of tylenol and lots of pillows. Personally, I've had the easiest pregnancy so far so if this is the worst it's get's, I'm okay with that. I've been a very lucky girl. 

Sorry it's so blurry.. it's hard to take a picture of a picture. But that is my baby's profile. The nurse said "You're so small for such a big baby".. not sure if that was a compliment or not. :) 

And this is me at almost 30 weeks. I'm kinda freaking out that I'm almost done. Okay really freaking out. The scariest part is knowing that there are only three trimesters and I'm in my third. We're so excited to meet this big guy but I can't stop thinking of how he is going to get here. I keep having dreams that he is 9 or 10 pounds and just huge. Any moms out there with how not to be afraid giving birth advice?!

Chris doesn't start work until next week so we have had a lot of time to spend with each other. Which is a wonderful thing, unless of course you're completely broke like us. Luckily we live in a town full of broke college kids, so there are a few things we have been able to do. Today we went to a couple different museums on campus and also explored the gigantic BYU bookstore. We first hit the Legacy Sports Hall of Fame Museum (not sure if that's exactly what's it's called), it was a three story building full of jerseys, awards, medals and lots of sports memorabilia. It was really cool to see all of the people who have made it to the pro's from BYU.  Chris and I took pictures in front of a cutout of Shawn Bradley, one of the tallest NBA players in history who played for BYU. He was 7'6 and 275 pounds! What a huge guy! :) 

I wasn't even close.

Chris could touch his hands!

We also went to the Bean Museum or the "stuffed animal museum" as I call it. It was actually pretty cool to see, tons of stuffed animals from tigers and elephants to swordfish and sharks. I definitely recommend going to check it out if you're ever in Provo and want to do something free.  

Another thing we have been doing is watching my brother Jeff play water polo. This last week was State and  his team made it! They ended up taking 4th in the Gold bracket which actually sounds pretty awesome.. but there was a platinum bracket above them. This was his first year playing and he did quite an amazing job. He started and played almost every varsity game this season. I think it helps that he is 6'2 and has super long arms and legs. 

This was after his last game against Heriman. 
So proud of my little big brother! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

29 weeks!

Today marks week twenty-nine. I am doing alright; things are starting to get real uncomfortable and the braxton hicks don't seem to stop. I figured the end of the pregnancy would be a lot worse than the first part, considering I had it pretty easy. I usually just take naps all night long, I don't sleep anymore which is frustrating, but we are down to just over ten weeks left and I will have a beautiful baby boy after all of this. 

A couple new things, I found a doctor that I love! One of my mom's friends suggested him and I am so grateful that she did. He is an amazing guy. He works with a couple of nurses and a physicians assistant. They were more than kind and informative to us. He said that he is just there to help and he will do and not do whatever we want, which I love! 

We have also kind of picked out a name... I say kind of because on days when I need a name it's Owen Charles, and then on days I don't, I switch it around. I am not one of those mom's who will wait to see my baby's face to name him. I will have it all picked out by the time we get to the hospital. Owen came out of nowhere, we just like it. It's a little different but not crazy and Charles is my dad's middle name. We just like it. 

So here I am, 29 weeks!! 
This picture doesn't exactly show the belly as much as I wanted it to.. so I had Chris take another. 

There we are! Oh, at my last appointment he said I was measuring a week bigger than normal.. which makes complete sense, when you look at my husband. Other than that, our little man is doing swell!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

An Update

So Chris got the job!! He is now the head coach for the Provo Swim Team this summer and he will either be life guarding or teaching swimming lessons also. I think he is actually more than happy to just have a job. This economy is getting crazy and I realize more and more everyday how grateful I am for a husband who is willing to go to school. Although it isn't his first choice, he is being a trooper. He starts next week. 
As for me, I have found myself a project for the week.
I've hit 27 weeks and I am still feeling great! Feet and hands are starting to swell up and baby boy had the hiccups for the first time today. Still a very odd feeling..

Last week Chris and I were taking Jeff to water polo practice and I saw this beautiful dresser on the side of the highway that had a FREE sign on it. On our way back from dropping him off we stopped to check it out. Other  than needing a little love this thing was awesome! We went home, got the suburban and drove back to load it up. So that's what I've been up to; restoring this wonderful piece of furniture.

After long hours painting and rebuilding this is how it turned out!! I love it! I'm thinking I will use it in the baby's room and possibly double as a changing table on top. Who knows though..

My mom even added some dresser lining paper (or whatever it's called).
It looks so so great!

That's the update. Hope your weekend is fantastic! 

24 weeks (December 2017)

It's been awhile. Like over a year since I last posted something here. I figured it was about time to update everyone. I announced tha...