Wednesday, February 29, 2012

thinking baby

I can't stop thinking about baby.. that's what going on now so it makes sense. Chris and I have no idea what this baby is so I just think and think and think. Recently I found some cute little clothes that I wanted to share..
Baby Girl: 

Baby Boy:

 I'm just thinking of all the cute things I can dress my baby in. I can't wait to find out! Only two weeks now :) 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Box Spring

I think a while back I talked about how Chris and I were lucky enough to get a whole new Queen sized bed set for Christmas?! Chris' mom ordered it on January 12th.. They said it would all be delivered to our home in Rexburg on January 25th. The 25th came with a new, beautiful mattress, solid frames and a rusty torn apart box spring. The delivery man asked if we wanted to keep it. I laughed and said no, my mother in law just paid a lot of money for a nice, new box spring and that's what we expect. Now that I think about it, we should have just kept the thing. 

He took it back and said we would get a new one in one week. That week rolled around and nothing. We called  and called and Sears couldn't figure it out. I had to ask three or four times to speak with people that could speak English. Honestly, it was ridiculous. One time I called and the man on the other end insisted that I had it hiding somewhere in my house. He said it had been delivered and wasn't backing down. It was crazy! Do they really think I have nothing better to do than fight with them over the phone? The next time I called (later that week) they said they had no record that the one they delivered had been taken back and we needed a new one.  After angry phone calls I had my mom call and see if she could do better and finally, we got somewhere, they said they didn't even have the same brand of box spring made and sent to Idaho Falls. They said they needed to order a new one and the soonest it they could have it to us was February 22nd (wed.) they called Tuesday night saying it would be delivered. Wednesday morning came and nothing.
 Chris called  to see what was going on and found that we have the worlds worst luck when it comes to getting a box spring I guess. The guy said the delivery truck had been snowed in, in Wyoming. He said that things like this never happen.. Then he tried telling us to order another one. He said we would get a call as soon as the trick made way. We got a call on Friday saying that the soonest our box spring would arrive was March 21st. Then I had my mom called again (moms are good at these things) and basically said that wasn't going to work. So the lady from Idaho Falls asked if we would be home today and said it could be delivered if we were. Of course we were home. I have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for two months now, there was no way I was going to let this get away. Finally it came! White and beautiful! I have never been this happy for a box spring. 
We did learn a valuable lesson here, sometimes it's okay to fight. :) 

Monday, February 20, 2012

extended family

In Hawaii, everyone is either auntie or uncle. That's just the way it is. Immediate family.
That was one thing I loved about living there. I had so many uncles and aunties to care for me. 
The coolest part about it was that they don't just say "auntie" for no reason. They almost take place of family that's not able to be with you. They care for you. They love you. 
Chris and I were lucky enough to have real relatives and I honestly can't remember how they are related, living out in Hawaii when we were there, an older couple that took very good care of us. They picked us up from the airport when we very first arrived. They brought us food.. very odd food, but food non the less. And boy were we grateful for it. :) 

  Poke or raw fish with coconut milk
 Taro roll

Every once in a while Gigi and Jo would stop by to check on us. Almost every time we saw them they either gave us food or money. They were like our "fill in" parents for a while. Checking up on us to make sure we had everything we needed. They are some of the greatest people I know. They are the type of people that would give you the shirt off their back. 
I bring this up because he called me today, to check up on me. He said "It's warm here, I hope your not out frozen somewhere". haha Oh I miss them. 
So I think I'm trying to say we all have people that mean a lot to us and some times were not related.. I'm grateful for all of the people in my life. I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to meet and get to know Gigi and Auntie Jo. 

17 weeks

I thought I should maybe do an update on the pregnancy. 
So far things have gone pretty well. I was lucky enough to not get the "spend all day near a toilet" crud. Sleeping is hard but I'v heard it only gets worse. And I had no idea how much you loose your mind. I can't remember anything and hardly make full sentences. It's pretty funny. I also had no idea how out of control emotions get. I have mental breakdowns a lot.. I cry like a baby at funny things. It's driving me nuts. I feel like I cry at the drop of a hat and laugh at really inappropriate times.

 I can eat just about anything except things that use BBQ sauce. That's the one thing that gets me. 

 I felt her/him kick for the first time a couple days ago. It was really exciting and weird. It was right after I sneezed and scared myself so I'm sure I scared her/him to. Now I only feel it kick if I sneeze. Haha

So we are down to three weeks until we find out what the gender is. We have a countdown on the fridge. 
We can't wait! This part of pregnancy is awesome.. all of the anticipation. 
Well.. that's about it. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

This last week I went down to Spanish Fork and then Mesquite to visit family and to attend a farewell of close family friend. Poor Chris was all alone for a week but I think he needed it. It seems that he can't ever get homework done when we are home together. :) I think he got a lot of homework done this week. 
It was so good to see the people in my old ward. It was a good trip. 
But it was definitely good to come home. On Valentines morning I woke up to sugar cookies Chris had made all by himself, pink frosting, sprinkles and everything. He made the "Love" cookies on his own too..
 no cookie cutter. 

How sweet is he? He also gave me a long body pillow with a very cute pillow case. 
It's what I have been asking for lately. He did a very good job of making me feel special. Then later we watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith and ate chocolate covered strawberries and that night he took me on a date to Applebees. He is a very good husband and friend. I love being married to a wonderful man like him. 

We actually had a baby appointment during the day also. They listened to the heartbeat and everything was well. So we scheduled the next appointment and we will find out then what gender the baby is! March 12th is the day! We couldn't be more excited!! 

Thank you mom for driving me all the way up here and for everything! Baby blankets and burp rags will be on a whole other post. Thank you! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

dancing it out

I know I'm really bad at this blogging thing.. I also know that everyone says that. I really mean it though. 
I will blog two or three times a day but every couple weeks. At least I'm blogging. 

Anyway.. this blog post is about dancing when you have no one to scream at. Sometimes I'm angry that I am married but feel single, sometimes I'm angry because I can't sleep and then sometimes I'm angry because Sears is extremely hard to work with. 
For Christmas, my mother and father in law gave us the gift of a bed! A beautiful queen sized bed. Which we could not be more grateful for, by the way. If they had not bought us a bed we would be sleeping on air mattresses for a long time.  
The bed was delivered on January 25th, we were so excited (like Christmas morning). They brought it in and everything looked great to me but the delivery guy noticed a few tears and rusty puncture marks in the box spring. He asked if we wanted to keep it or if he should take it back with him. 
I have been sleeping on an air mattress for a month and I almost considered keeping it.. Luckily I'm not eight months pregnant but sleeping while pregnant is impossible anyway. We had him take it back and he said we would get a new one in a week. 
It's been a week. We have not received the box spring. 
I called Sears to see where my box spring had been taken. I first tried to be polite, but sometimes politeness gets you no where. So after and hour and forty-five minutes on hold.. they ended the call. 
Gotta love customer service right?
I called back demanding my box spring. I told them I had been on hold for a while now and I needed and answer. The lady on the other end was so nice.
"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, isn't being put on hold annoying? Can I put you on hold for a second"? 
She told me to wait for a call. 
That's the best answer I got. 
To wait. 
Like I haven't been. 
Today instead of waiting I danced. Chris had school from seven in the morning to six tonight and so I danced. Sears has not called and so I danced. It makes me feel a little bit better. At least I can dance. 
So when having a really crappy day.. sometimes the best you can do is dance it out. 
Or make cookies..

Oh Baby!

I keep wanting to post pregnancy pictures but although I think my belly is getting bigger, it really isn't. It just looks like a big muffin top. 
I've been asked several times what Chris and I want the gender to be. 
I have thought about this for a while..  and honestly I don't care. Chris jokes about wanting a boy just because "Boy names are so much cooler"... like Thor and Iron Man.
We are excited either way. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to us. 
I have met too many people who whine and cry when they find out the gender is not what they wanted. 
It makes me sad for them, that they can't see a blessing in front of their face.
I'm not here to judge but I am here to say it doesn't matter.  
Though I have never been a mother before I have done my fair share of baby sitting and I do know that boy or girl.. they eat, they cry, they poop, they make messes and they make you smile. 
It doesn't matter. 
In about 4 weeks Chris and I will find out who this little person is. 
I can't feel him moving yet but I know he is. It was fun to see him moving around on the ultra sound. 
Chris and I couldn't be more excited about bringing this person into our lives! It's a very hot topic around here. Will he/she have my eyes or Chris'? My dark skin or white like grandmas? :)  
We are so thrilled for this opportunity we have to be parents. 
I would say "I can't wait".. but lets be honest.. I am scared as heck. Good thing I've got time. 

24 weeks (December 2017)

It's been awhile. Like over a year since I last posted something here. I figured it was about time to update everyone. I announced tha...