Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Yes, the rumor is true. I am headed to Utah in a week. I leave the eighth and Chris is staying here. I'm torn about this situation. I am more excited than I have ever been to see my family. But then I'm leaving my new family here.

Another sweet part about this trip is I will fly in on my sister's birthday!! So happy Birthday to Susan!! 

The reason I'm leaving you may ask? I've had a really messed up shoulder for a long time. I've been through it all to try and help it; several months of physical therapy, cortisone shots, and even a surgery. None of this has helped. 

So when Chris and I went home for Christmas, my mom took me to the doc. Sure enough I was right, I need another surgery. He didn't even know what's going on. 

I am more scared for this surgery than the first one. I know the pain. Waking up after is horrible. Not being able to do ANYTHING is horrible. Ever since my mom scheduled the surgery  I have been in a foul mood. I've had scary dreams about it going wrong. I dwell on things like this. 

I know I will be fine. But is it wrong to ask others to pray with you, for you? I know that's all I have been doing. I feel like I need more than just me. Comforting comments are gladly welcomed!  


  1. It will all work out; you'll be safe and okay.
    I love you Sar.
    I will pray for you. :)

  2. Hey Sarah! Of course we will pray for you even more that we already do (which is daily!) We will also put your name in the Newport Beach Temple when the time comes. Love you lots and lots! Mom and Dad Hendrickson

  3. How about I get a picture of Chris, blow it up to life size, and hold it in front of you when you wake up? Or how about I take step by step pictures of your recovery and blog about them?
    Just kidding sweety. Everything will be be just fine and we'll get this thing figured out once and for all. Besides that, I happen to know they give out some pretty cool drugs after surgery! Hahaha! Besides that, we have one whole week together before surgery.
    I love you.

  4. syrup :)
    everything is going to go great! if you need anything, call me!!!
    or if you just want... gummy frogs, pink lemonade or dill pickle sunflower seeds ;) i'll get em for ya!
    love you tons!
    kay kay :)

  5. Tell Chris to get a Ticket for Kauaii in May and come play with Duane Hunter and I and give us surf lessons while your gone.

  6. You can do it!!! Focus not on the misery but on having a shoulder that will finally work! I can't wait to see you. We will pray for you and we can put your name in the temple too:)

    I wann go to Kauai:)

  7. Hey Girl!
    I'll be there for you the WHOLE time! You SHOULD be worried about that!;) Only four more days!!! Yeah-Yeah! I'm so excited to show off my stoner sister after your surgery! haha love you lots!:)


24 weeks (December 2017)

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