Sorry I haven't been blogging in a while!! Well, I have a lot to catch up on so I might as well get started. Since being here, Chris has introduced me to a whole new spectrum of food. Our new favorite is a Molasada; egg sized balls of dough, deep fried in oil and then covered in sugar. They also have special kinds like chocolate and haupia (coconut). So yummy!! After one, I start feeling gross so Chris usually eats the rest for me. The Molasada truck drives around the island and stops in random places for about a week. It has been to Laie twice already and we've been to the truck twice.. :)
I made Chris pose for this.. can you tell? |
Last Tuesday we got a pink slip in our mailbox!! That means we get a package the next day. I look forward to those days. Chris decided it was his turn to get on his long board and go get the package this time, so I stayed home. About 20 minutes later I got a text from him saying we got three! I hurried to go help but he was coming around the corner, balancing two heavy packages and trying to ride his unstable long board on the gravel road. A friend from the ward was carrying the last package on her bike. I was so excited, I already had the scissors in hand, ready to open them! This is what we found:
We are so lucky to have amazing mothers who think about us often! We had enough food for our whole ward to have a Thanksgiving party. It will get us through December with the way Chris eats.
Chris and I were finally able to go to the beach this Saturday. It's so funny how we live only three minutes away and we haven't been in about two weeks straight. This was the best day to go because we found sea turtles!! They were just riding the waves like Crush does on Finding Nemo. :) There was a really, really big one, a medium and a small baby. It was so cool to be only a few feet from them. The only bummer is that I don't have an underwater camera so I didn't grab any pictures of them.
For a pre-Thanksgiving party, Chris and I were invited to a dinner at our friend Ted's' house. His parents were in town for a couple weeks and his mom wanted to make a big dinner for us before they left. And, of course, we didn't have a problem with it! The dinner was amazing! Sweet potatoes, turkey, papaya, stuffing, mango, honey-baked ham, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, German apple cake, pineapple and so much more!! It was awesome.
Chris, Ted and I were resting after our fourth round and then Ted said "Chris, are you getting fat?". I just laughed. Chris has been complaining (since we've been married) that he's fat. I know, you're thinking "Isn't that your job Sarah?" Ya. He keeps saying he needs to get to the gym and work out so when we see Ryan (his younger brother) at Christmas, he will still be able to take him. So, this is him posing his "fatness".
Then he had to show off his guns so he didn't
feel like a total fatty.
P.S. I like him just the way he is.
Yeah.. I love Chris. Anyway.. we have had a blast out here so far BUT I can't wait to go home!! I miss my family. That's all.. but I will keep blogging so stay tuned!! :)