I saw this on another blog I was reading and thought it would be kind of cool to do.. and also to keep me busy. I think blogging is going to be my new hobby.You just write down what it says.. so it's quick, short and to the point; just how we all like it. So, for the next thirty days (starting today) I will have something posted.
day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite things
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- an art piece
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future
Day 1:
I just found a couple new favorites actually, so this is perfect! The first is Happy by Natasha Bedingfield and the other new favorite is called Breathe Me by Sia. Very good songs, if you haven't heard them, I recommend them.
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