Okay so week three is officially over and it was more fun than I thought. Chris and I went to the beach a lot, like always. No intestines this time.. sorry. I went to my first Relief Society activity and it was.. different. I was the only one there without a child or three, the only one there that was born in the nineties and the only one there who doesn't live in TVA (Temple View Apartments or married housing on campus). They all were complaining about how TVA has no privacy and you can hear every kid from your own bathroom. I then asked how much they were paying for rent.. $650 someone said. I laughed and said BE GRATEFUL YOU'RE NOT PAYING $950!! Don't worry, I didn't offend anyone.. they still invite me to do things..
I think that's the hardest thing about being out here. Not being so involved like I've always been. But on Wednesday night I got a call from a girl in the ward.. she asked if I could watch her kids the next morning. Of course I said yes.. what else do I have to do.. honestly? That next morning I went over and met a handsome young man named Jack. We are now very good friends thanks to Hairspray. We put the movie in, I started dancing and it's been official ever since. He has an older adorable sister named Taylor and they make my day. (They are nothing compared to my gorgeous nieces and my handsome nephew though!)
There are some things I have found out about Hawaii as I've been here. For example everything here grows like the Redwood Forest. It's huge.From the leaves to the animals. Also.. snails. Chris and I have our own pet snails right outside our front door every night.
Our Kayaking Adventure
I was going to make this a whole new post on it's own but it did happen during week three and it was pretty fun, so what the heck! Chris happens to be lucky enough to be taking a water motors class, which means you learn anything and EVERYTHING you can learn do in the water, including kayak surfing. Kendra (his professor) and Chris start talking about how I am Lifeguard certified and the next thing we know is I have a job teaching swim lessons out at her ranch and I am invited to go kayaking with the class. Okay.. this is awesome.
Today was the lucky day, kayaking. We drove over to Lanikai and were given a little lecture about how the reef can hurt and blah, blah, blah. Then we got our kayaks.Oh man was I excited! Chris and I went tandem because there was no way I was going to do it on my own. It was about a thirty minute paddle out to the Mokulua Islands (the Island State Seabird Sanctuary). The water was beautiful and clear, easy to see the blue bubbles. Then it was surfing time!! There were so many good waves, we had a blast. Next was hiking around the island. There were so many tide pools with crabs, anemones, fish (including the Humuhumunukunukuapuaa also known as Hawaii's State Fish) and so many more amazing sea creatures.
We had a blast on our kayaking adventure and escaped with only a few minor reef cuts, but that comes with having fun. If we keep doing things like this, I might learn to like it here. :)
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ReplyDeleteI love it!! Keep up on this blog. It makes me feel like we are almost there with you guys and it makes me laugh. You will want to look back on this time with great fondness so keep it up. I love you!
ReplyDeleteLove Mom