I know I'm really bad at this blogging thing.. I also know that everyone says that. I really mean it though.
I will blog two or three times a day but every couple weeks. At least I'm blogging.
Anyway.. this blog post is about dancing when you have no one to scream at. Sometimes I'm angry that I am married but feel single, sometimes I'm angry because I can't sleep and then sometimes I'm angry because Sears is extremely hard to work with.
For Christmas, my mother and father in law gave us the gift of a bed! A beautiful queen sized bed. Which we could not be more grateful for, by the way. If they had not bought us a bed we would be sleeping on air mattresses for a long time.
The bed was delivered on January 25th, we were so excited (like Christmas morning). They brought it in and everything looked great to me but the delivery guy noticed a few tears and rusty puncture marks in the box spring. He asked if we wanted to keep it or if he should take it back with him.
I have been sleeping on an air mattress for a month and I almost considered keeping it.. Luckily I'm not eight months pregnant but sleeping while pregnant is impossible anyway. We had him take it back and he said we would get a new one in a week.
It's been a week. We have not received the box spring.
I called Sears to see where my box spring had been taken. I first tried to be polite, but sometimes politeness gets you no where. So after and hour and forty-five minutes on hold.. they ended the call.
Gotta love customer service right?
I called back demanding my box spring. I told them I had been on hold for a while now and I needed and answer. The lady on the other end was so nice.
"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, isn't being put on hold annoying? Can I put you on hold for a second"?
She told me to wait for a call.
That's the best answer I got.
To wait.
Like I haven't been.
Today instead of waiting I danced. Chris had school from seven in the morning to six tonight and so I danced. Sears has not called and so I danced. It makes me feel a little bit better. At least I can dance.
So when having a really crappy day.. sometimes the best you can do is dance it out.
Or make cookies..