I've decided and you've probably noticed I'm not the super happy, tell you what craft I made today, lie about how I'm feeling and just do the "small talk" blog posts kind of girl. Not that that's bad or that I haven't done that. I just like reading the honest feelings of women. It makes me feel like I'm not alone and losing it.
And this offends some types of people.
I found a word for this.
Lovely huh?
Don't worry I am in no way mad or sad or depressed. Just passionate.
I have a huge heart with lots of feelings about anything and everything. Like many women do.
Sometimes I feel bad or guilty for posting such rude, blunt things but I just can't help myself.
It's who I am. It's how I express myself and if you don't like it, stop reading.
By the way, I get this from my dad.
I remember constantly complaining about what to wear and he would say why do you care so much?
"If you don't like what I'm wearing, don't look at me."
I love my dad for teaching me something so important.
It's important to not care too much what others think of you.
As women that is hard to do.
My point here is actually not really about caring what others think of you, although that is an important topic.
I have something else that is really important to me.
Chris and I have had a great marriage so far. There's been some rough patches but nothing that will make or break us. One thing we really struggled with out in Hawaii, as many people do, was finances.
Our rent in our first "room" was $950 a month.
A rent that only a doctor could afford every month. Okay not really, but when your coming from just back from a mission and just out of high school, there was no money.
As I'm sure you've all heard me complain, the cost of food was ridiculous.
Like $6 for a gallon of milk, $10 for a small block of cheese, $7 for a box of cereal and so on.
It was hard, so hard. But we made it (thanks to parents).
My point here is we NEVER used food stamps.
And I am damn proud of us. (Sorry).
This is the important thing.
It seemed like the popular thing to do. Whether you could make it on your own or not, everyone we knew was on food stamps. To me it was wrong. Probably because I grew up in the family that I did and probably because I saw so many families abuse it.
Here's where people take offense.
I am a firm believer that if you are trying to make it and you've done all you can then it's okay. But if you have two apartments and a nice car or you can make it just fine but you want the extra food, get lost.
There were many times when Chris and I had just enough money to keep our bank account open and that's it.
We had to make crazy weird meals sometimes but we did it ourselves.
I won't be the girl to look back at that and go, "Oh what fun we had being poor".. no sorry. Not me.
But I will look back and say, "Okay, I'm proud of us".
I know times are hard. But go to the church. We have a Bishops Warehouse for a reason.
It just really drives me crazy when people tell me to get on food stamps. It breaks my heart that so many people turn to the easy way out instead of working on it.
These pregnant hormones are kinda crazy but I really believe this. I really am proud of Chris and I and our decision to make it on our own. So there you go.
For some reason I just felt like I needed you to know that the Chris Hendrickson family has never and will never be on food stamps! And we even made it through a year in Hawaii with one job.
So take that! :) And again if you don't like what I'm saying, don't read it.