Monday, May 30, 2011

like the french

chris has been quite the chef lately. he has been making crepes. yum.

hes a peach man and im a strawberry girl. i so grateful for a husband that cooks good food for me. i love this guy. ya its short but i just thought id share how cool chris is. :)

makes you wanna laugh

i know everyone says that their husband is the best but i promise you MINE is the best. he is super rad. (no, this is not chris). 

also, everyone knows that EVERYTHING is seriously expensive in hawaii. to the point of where you feel like youd almost rather starve. hahaha not. so we went to foodland. chris and i thats is. i had been gone for a month so there was no food. by the end of our shopping trip we had spent up to our limit. chris was very quiet the ride home. we got home and "unpacked" everything. then chris went to work. 

as i was making dinner, i came across the receipt. and took pictures of it. 
again, the best husband ever. (because he makes me laugh..hard)

sorry its blurry.

theres nothing else to be said, 
except that..

my husband is the best. :) 

home sweet home

when chris and i first moved here, i wanted to do a post about the places we've lived. old and new. but of course, i forgot. so here are some random pictures of what our house looked like. staring from the outside moving in. 

the view of our street. 

this is the view looking right outside our front door. the tall house to the left is where elder and sister dumar lived. they actually are from bellflower california. (where chris was born). elder dumar worked with chris' uncle. how crazy is that? 

my cute bike and our front window. 

 our beautiful front door. :) 

to the left outside our house

the first thing you see walking in.. where we sleep. 

our awesome futon where chris spent most nights.. because we couldnt fit on the bed.

these pictures of the house are all gross and dirty because they were taken before we moved in. :) 

our lovely kitchen. i actually really did love it. 

then we got into tva and moved out into...

our new front door.. looks like a prison huh? 

my kitchen

my partly decorated wall.. not finished, dont worry. :) 

the bathroom (the curtain is gold)

my very organized closet haha

jewelry holder.. made by yours truly

bed (walls are not decorated yet)

the view from our back window.. not much of one. 

and thats about it. i love our new home. roach free, newly carpeted, a shower chris can stand in. thats all we ask for. am finally happy to be out here. things are going well. good friends, lots of  sun and best of all i have my best friend with me all the time. life is good. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

something to think about

i was on facebook earlier today and one of my friends had said jokingly "if youre looking for something to cry about read this.." so i clicked on it. it was a blog of someone that one of her friends follows. a blog about a family. a family that is going through a trial. youll have to read it to get the full affect. its (if you love to read, you will love this story more, its kind of long). their story made me think about things. think about what we are really here on this earth for. it touched my heart. it will make you cry guaranteed. it will also make you run to your husband/wife/children and tell them how much you love them.

there is short mormon message out now that also touches my heart. i was able to watch this when i was home for my surgery. then chris and i went to the temple the other day and they had it playing in the visitors center. so we watched it. you can watch it here this story will also make you think twice about life. i especially love this story because she talks about how looks are not everything.

just thought id share these touching stories with you because i needed to hear them today. i have not been super nice to chris today. (im sorry babe!)

Monday, May 23, 2011

for the children

i know in a few posts before i have mentioned that i love being around kids. i do. i love them. no this post is not about me trying to tell you im pregnant... because im not. i just have a deep appreciation for the way they think and the things they say. i feel like the world is better place with kids around. whether they are infants and all you can do is stare into their sweet little faces or a little bit older and they are staring to think and do things by themselves.

as i have said before, chris and i were called to be primary teachers. i absolutely adore my class. these four and five year olds are amazing. today the lesson was about obeying the commandments. we were starting to teach the lesson and one of the little girls in class started crying. she said she wanted her mommy. i tried telling her that this class was going to be so fun and that mommies dont get to come to this class. she cried harder (apparently that wasnt the right thing to say). then one of the boys in class said "thats so boring." i asked what is? and he said "shes crying". haha im not sure why, but that was so funny.

we love asking them questions in class and we can see them trying so hard to figure it out. but the best answer they always come up with is jesus christ. and yes.. he is the answer to all our questions right? :) i love this class. they make my day better.

there are many kids around here that whenever i see them, they come running to me and give me great big hugs..(its because im really cool or i always give them treats) i love these beautiful spirits.

so not ready to have any of my own.. thats why i babysit. i can give them back. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the move

as i has posted a few days ago but blogger decided it wasn't good enough and erased it, i came home a week ago to surprise him. it was a cute post, i thought. anyway..

one night chris went off to work and left me here to do the unpacking. then came a knock on our door. i opened it and some man told me i needed to move out. i tried so hard to understand him but it just wasn't happening. i asked our friend who works in the tva office if she knew anything. later we found that it was true.. we actually were suppose to move out for a couple days. so they could re-do our tile and carpet. which is very nice.. but..

they put us in an apartment that had not been inhabited for a while. so we packed up sunday night and moved into a cute new place monday bright and early. dead roaches on the floor. super dirty and just nasty. i tried cleaning but out of every crevice and corner came a gigantic roach. so i gave up.

when chris came home from work that night he must have killed six or seven. they just kept coming. chris: 11 sarah: 1  NASTY!
the next day i got up to see if our place was wasn't. i think i checked at least five times. finally it was done. we moved in and now it looks great. i just started hanging things up on the walls so when i find my camera i will put some pictures up. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


there are things you learn at different stages/ages in life. for example, when we are one we learn to crawl and start talking. when we are five, we learn how to ride a bike. ten, we are just starting to figure out what is going on with our bodies. twelve, we are accepted into young womens/mens, making us feel super adult-ish. fifteen is so close to being able to date and we are trying to understand these weird feelings for the opposite sex. sixteen means freedom and many, many consequences. then you hit the ripe old age of eighteen. 

i dont know everything, some day. but there are a few things i have learned through the years. especially in the last nine months.

 i know that parents are ten times cooler than you think. its weird. they actually do know what theyre talking about. 

i know that getting married at eighteen (no matter how many people told me i was stupid for doing it) is the best thing i could have done for myself. 

i know that it doesnt matter what you look like. im not saying at all that i am happy with my weight but i have learned to laugh and say "who doesnt have a little junk in the trunk?" i can lose it. i can gain it. there are more important things in life than looks.

i know that family is everything. its more important than anything. they will always be there for you. friends come and go. family is stuck like glue. 

i know that god is real. he answered my prayers for my surgery (plus many others) but the most recent was my surgery. i was so scared and then when i woke up after, i felt great. nothing like the first. i love him. he makes me so happy. 

i know that it cool to share the gospel. as outgoing as i am, i used to be scared to tell people about the church. its scary sometimes. but trust me, only cool people do it. :) 

i know that being married rocks. it is the coolest thing. i wish more people would go around saying it. then all the loser rms (return missionaries) that have been home forever would jump on it. i have my best friend with me all the time. what could be cooler than that? seriously. 

i know that life stinks sometimes. but there is always someone who has it worse. look at the bright side.. god is paying attention to you. if he wasnt, he wouldnt give you something to deal with. ya it stinks sometimes but it will get better. its not the end.  

im positive i will learn many, many more things throughout life. but as for now, this is what i know. 

24 weeks (December 2017)

It's been awhile. Like over a year since I last posted something here. I figured it was about time to update everyone. I announced tha...