Yes. I am in need of a venting session so if you are in a good mood.. I wouldn't read this.
And this is my blog so I can vent all I want.
Chris and I (mostly I) have been looking for an apartment for months now. At first there were a couple places that told me they would call as soon as something opened up.
So I waited a couple days (I'm not patient) and called back, hoping for a good answer. They had said it was still too early and that they would call me. I was okay with this for about a week and after two weeks of waiting by the phone, I knew this was going to turn into the same chaos we dealt with when moving here.
We found a really sweet place. The guy called and said he and his wife were moving out and that the place was basically ours if they could find a place. We didn't know if he was going to find another place or not so we just waited on him.. He called and said they found a place so we could move into theirs! We were so overjoyed! We got the application and started filling it out when all of the sudden he called and said his wife didn't like the new place so they weren't going to end up moving. Just perfect. I think I was in a good mood that day so I let it go. I went along with what everyone has been saying to me..
"Oh it will all work out"
Skip forward a few months and the moving date is creeping up. I start freaking out and now Chris is too.
So Chris put up a listing for "apartment needed" on BYUI's website.
A couple days ago we got a call saying they had a 2 bedroom with a washer/dryer.. just everything I had hoped for. They said the rent is $590 a month (which is pocket change for us).. not really. But it really sounded like just the place for us! It was a basement apartment under an adorable old brick home.
The tenants and the landlord called many times just to tell us about it. The only thing bad about it was that the upstairs tenants "are really loud". My thinking was "Oh honey you have no idea what we are use to.. six newborns and three toddlers. I can handle noisy college kids"
We called the landlord to tell her we wanted the place and she had us call the tenants one more time just to see if we really wanted it and if we were really committed.
We called and the tenant just made it sound more perfect.
We called the landlord back asking for the application.
She sent it. We filled it out.
She called Chris while he was in class
"Hey Chris..
I have some bad news, the tenants upstairs had asked for it first. Sorry I forgot.
But I told them I need an answer by tomorrow morning so I will get back to you."
Just what we needed to hear. How do you forget such important news?
Three in the afternoon rolls around and no call. Chris called and no answer.
I told him he needed to call because if I did, it might get ugly.
It felt like she was holding this delicious Chocolate Haupia Pie right in front of my face saying
"Want it? Want it? Okay you can have it! You can! Here you go..
Oh man.. just kidding. I ate it"
Who does that?!
We are still homeless.
This is just me venting, meaning I cannot take another
"Oh, it's fine, everything will work out".
I can't stand when people say that. It's only the people who have a home.
So unless your homeless.. don't you dare say that.
All I need is to be hugged.
Oh the joys of growing up.
And don't say "It gets harder" or "Ya tell me about it"
because I will!!
Just frustrated.
Us on our first flight over.. excited and happy because we
knew we had a home waiting for us.
This is us.. so happy... in our home.